Ehh ... It's something on my mind !

I have always felt whenever I am confused, I write. I start and words seem to fall into place more like helping me out, providing me with some kind of direction that may be what I need at the time. But today was not all that same. I was caught in the web of something which even I wasn't confident about saying were my own thoughts. I was surrounded. I was hearing echoes but couldn't differentiate between the original sources. Where was my mind loitering?

I already had a long walk with people discussing Aam Aadmi Party earlier today bickering about whether or not it was going to come to power. And if it is not, us Indians are solely responsible for our own dooms as in it was some clandestine fact, kept hidden for ages. Talks like these are surely one of those few times when I just cave to people’s referendum guess I always tend to lose my interest as soon as it ends with 'it should have happened this way and not the way it did'. Because frankly, dude! I should have been the Prime Minister of India, but am I? No, right!  You work for a software company based out of a country which is like a continent away, building projects for another company residing two-three continents away from your place and in turn you think somehow you have put India on lines. I mean what the hell? Have you lost your own sight? Why do you choose to avoid reality? Is it like you wanted to have an “expert” opinion about something you had no freaking base for and since you had no substance to back your stance,  you play the ‘wild-card’.  Pretty coward of you don’t you think?

Crap! This was not even what I had on my mind. But this certainly would have contributed to the whirlpool inside my head. Let’s get on to my older pace. I finally let go of all my thoughts. With everything around you seemingly tightly knit, everything quasi-perfect, you can’t even go to people and whine about your crazy ideas or writhing you might say to them.

So when you are stuck with none but yourself, you go to your safe-place, a place where you feel cocooned up, wrapped away from all ‘statics’ of your life. It took me a few minutes before I realized I had none. I went up to my roof, yea right. The movies and series have taught us this much! I sat on the railings. I am there sitting, overlooking what? There was nothing. What was I thinking; I was not in Mumbai overlooking the seas from where I was standing. I was stifled with all the buildings around me dawning upon on me. But the only good thing was no Doppler Effect calculation was going to keep me from singing my throats out thinking I might just be disturbing people going on for strolls down in the streets. So after all my ordeals if you are thinking what then pulled me out of my supposed “misery”, I would love to thrash an imposition on you, “not everything is decipherable”. And I am still smarting in the pains and agonies of deciphering the undecipherable. Guess some part of our life are better left un-revealed.
