I live in a box. My world may seem strange to you. But, it’s not as bad as you think. It does have holes in it which lends me some fresh air from time-to-time. You may think I must be scared of the big-burly cat living on the outside but I am not. We are kind of best friends. I can listen to all the chatter from outside. But now I can close my ears whenever I want to without anyone seeing. The holes, I must reveal now, ain’t my best friends either. They complicate things for me because I can’t feel the total darkness here because of them. Just when I am about to, rays of sun from these holes try to illuminate it down here for me as if I am some impotent chap, not capable of doing that on my own. They just don’t get it! So if they are not going to stop playing this naïve game, they are going to get a worthy opponent in me. And so in retrospect, I plastered few of them with black paper. But now, right this moment, I want to live out in the open again, enjoy the warmth...
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