What she thinks

"Do you ever feel the little waves and then huge waves flushing you from inside?", her voice seems to echo.

Sitting across from her for almost an hour without the slightest sussuration; nothing but the flip-flops of the file papers being turned over, the sudden words nearly wakes him from a daze. He has not been asleep, just no action has him grown more situated to an environment of calm. It is not her fault, certainly.

"Sorry... what?", he couldn't hear what she said in entirety and so embarassment is palpable in his voice.

"Life... Do you ever really get tired of it?", she finds him staring at her. Or may be the question she let out has discomfited him. It is not long before he realises what he has been doing. However, the daze is again broken off by her. With a low snort. Finally, he feels like he needs to put some clarifications across before he is labelled a complete knucklehead and made rounds with around the town.

"... Sorry I just thought I heard different", he put the three fingers of his  right hand on his forehead , "but why such thoughts in the most dull situation like the present?". Another surge of embarassment is about to drown him for it occurs to him that he has been the part of this dull he is talking about. But much to his chagrin, like an exception in programming, it is caught. She starts smiling. The situation remains amiable still, unlike the awkwardness he perceives. She has a way about her, he can't help but think.

"Let me open up those windows. May be the air from outside will let in some clues that answer few of these questions!", she stands up and slithers across to the opposite side of the room to open the windows. A cool, gust of air rushes in through the sills. A harbinger of freshness but the heaviness in it seems to prolong the uneasiness of thoughts in her. She doesn't hide it!

She looks at peace perching at the windows. Elegant, pensive. He hasn't realised how attractive she is until then. Effortless couture, satin blue blouse with broad collars, crooked to the sides because she didn't care for it that day or any day, hung over a black tulip skirt. And those three inches pumps they merely accentuate her tall presence.

"Hey, that's a cool set of rims you've got!", the silence has grown too long and it's eerie. "Yeah, those are my second favourites. I wear them the most. Look... look... look...", and she dons them on. Yet again she manages to drift towards the windows. "I wish I could wear them all day and night long. They cover protect from the outside so effectively. They keep the glare of these shiny buildings from piercing your eyes. And they so cleverly hide those "waves" on the inside". It sounds like a monologue but at the same time the composition seems so considerate of the audience.

By now, he is up. Off the chair and now standing besides the tall minaret with hands in his pant-pockets. His presence staggers her instantly but she elegantly balances it out, "Have you seen me pose? Better than the Marilyn Monroe poster in my room for sure!"

Like the reflection of the Royal Amalfi Grande on her glasses, she unlocks the prim, and proper visage. He wonders what real emotions are hiding behind those glittery glasses.


Prompt 1: Present tense
               2: Third person limited pov
               3: Following pic


  1. Your characters say very interesting things and seem to play off each other nicely. The story flipped back and forth between tenses a lot. I was confused about the setting. Why is he pretending to sleep in her...office? Home?

    1. Flipping back and forth in tenses could you please tell where did you feel so, because that could be poor expression of things on my part.

      I didn't care about the setting. But the files, and description of kind of formal-wear, I was going for office. And he could be a friend visiting, a colleague just anyone. He's not pretending to sleep it's just the vacuum, no talks.

  2. I found myself just as puzzled by "what she thinks" as the main character. She's an inscrutable one for sure!

    1. Eeeshhh! It seems what I think is what I write... !

  3. Finally. Found your blog. The lady doth think..it seems ;)



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