Sham of life, optimism!

A sham of life
In the night.
Wish to roll it
In a joint,
Smoke it out.
So remains are
The ashes, of
Life once.

The dawn comes,
Sizzles out the
Crisis. The next
Day of hope and
Optimism. Life
That dances on.
What a fool,
Such naive fool!

Not just that,
I serve it right.
Like a guest
Of honour in my
Mother's household.
I flirt with it and
It covets attention.
Such a coquette!

Why would it leave?
It feeds on the pamper.
I only forget
I am scared all time.
What could come out
Of grabbing on to
A nightmare just
Hanging around.


  1. 👌👌"Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?" —L. M. Montgomery

    1. That's why a coquette! When it becomes today it is rife with all mistakes. From yesterday to today combined.


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