The ring rankles my mind
I still don't remember the tune
As always, but words hit me hard.
Exactly like you whispered them to me!
"What was that?" " Hey Jude",
Shocked with my knowledge
But unfazed and with mild adoration
"Listen to it it's by the Beatles".
I didn't like it then nor today
But you are the constant.
The words are the string,
Holding me to you.
I remember you today
For all we were worth.
The memory that was fading,
Tribulations of manufacturing hate.
The lockdown has all of us still.,
Alas but my mind still wanders
The peregnirations have me haunted
But happy for the memories.
The fuzz of the extremes
Only my mind to make sense of it.
I am veering everywhere,
Till I get back home.
I still don't remember the tune
As always, but words hit me hard.
Exactly like you whispered them to me!
"What was that?" " Hey Jude",
Shocked with my knowledge
But unfazed and with mild adoration
"Listen to it it's by the Beatles".
I didn't like it then nor today
But you are the constant.
The words are the string,
Holding me to you.
I remember you today
For all we were worth.
The memory that was fading,
Tribulations of manufacturing hate.
The lockdown has all of us still.,
Alas but my mind still wanders
The peregnirations have me haunted
But happy for the memories.
The fuzz of the extremes
Only my mind to make sense of it.
I am veering everywhere,
Till I get back home.
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